Friday, July 8, 2011

To blog or not to blog

My depression has been really unmanageable as of late. It interfered with my vacation to Florida and caused me to miss out on a lot of great experiences with my fellow BRCA sisters that I have waited nearly 2 years to meet. I stopped blogging and I don't get out much. I hate when things get like this. When depression takes over everything. Logical reasoning disappears and I just become this big ball of crabbiness and hate. I am currently unsure if I will be continuing this blog. My initial thought was to log on and delete my account but after reading my aunt Jan's blog it has made me think more about all the gifts that life gives us daily. I have decided to take this weekend and think it over as rationally as my depression brain will allow.

I'm headed up north tomorrow to go to my aunts Jeanie's celebration of life benefit.  After 2 1/2 years of surgeries and treatments she is currently CANCER FREE!!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, you have too many good things going on in your mind to not share them. Perhaps you think that your negative thoughts are not good to share, but I would disagree. All of us who have struggles in our lives need to know that others are struggling too, and that they survive. If you can share how you make it through, that's good, but not necessary. I've said often that my favorite word is "through". I think you can figure out why. Keep up your blogging Girl!
